Total distance: 61.33 miles; total ascent 3189 feet; Ave Speed 10.0mph; Maximum speed 35mph; total time in saddle 6 hours 09 minutes.
Typing this in the lounge of the Porch Guest House, Bishops Castle, Shropshire whilst Russ languishes in an enormous bath. We actually cut today short because, well, not to put too fine a point on it, his arse is currently in tatters. It really doesn't matter though, as we are almost a full day ahead of schedule. We're confident though that thanks to Chamois cream and a shorter day in the saddle, normal 70 mile service should be resumed tomorrow.
There's not a huge amount to say about today other than the fact it was a delight to discover so much of this rich and fertile country that until now I had never seen or even knew existed. Our entire day was spent traversing through quaint hamlets, farms and countless homes to middle England's finest. We saw countless lush green fields with healthy looking beef cattle, grazing sheep and witnessed a wonderful galloping horse come rushing down his enormous hillside paddock as his owner called to him. Dogs barked, birds sang and the air was so fresh you could almost drink it in.
As I mentioned, we are staying tonight in an old traditional market town, probably the largest inhabited area we have seen all day, but even Bishops Castle, with it's traditional Inn (and bastard steep hill to the Guest House) cannot be home to much more than a thousand people.
Fuelled with an enormous breakfast, we set off at around 9.45 this morning and threading our way gradually northwards. Having not had any wifi last night we guessed that the terrain would be hilly, but it really wasn't too bad, or perhaps we are getting into our stride? The weather was overcast and there were a few spits of rain, but no wind to speak of meant our target pace of 10mph was comfortably achieved.
The bike's performing well, other than the fact it's the wrong one for the job (I shall be having words with Thorn Cycles when I get back - why sell a man who plans to undertake a two week touring event a fast road bike??) Still, with the exception of an annoying slipping large to middle cog at the front, everything else is holding out well, touch wood.
That's about it for now. I'm waiting for Russ to finish his bathing so I can get clean too. Frankly I can smell myself kicking up a bit and it's probably time to put the old shorts and base layer in the sink for a wash and soak.
There's a very good Indian across the road, we'll probably give that a try tonight and have an early night. Russ wants to be away earlier tomorrow to try and make up for the shorter day today. Oh Boy...
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